Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

So things have definitely fallen into more of a pattern now. I THOUGHT my schedule would become consistent, but it hasn't. I'm still never scheduled in the same place, or the same hours. The only expected thing that's changed is that my days off are more consistent. If I asked for Mondays and Tuesdays off, I get Mondays and Tuesdays off, unless they schedule me for 6 days.

Despite the variations in my schedule, everything is still less stressful. I don't have to worry anymore if I'll have the hours each week in order to pay for everything. I don't have to worry about missing a phone call from scheduling that will give me more hours. If I miss that phone call, oh well, I already know that I have the hours I absolutely need. I know my days off will remain my days off, unless I get bored and decide to pick up a shift. It's like a 50 pound weight was taken away! Or maybe that's just the trying to work out more.....

As I said at the start of this post, things have fallen into more of a pattern. Sunday: go to whichever mass time and location fits my schedule best. Monday: shopping and other errands. Tuesday: kick back and relax. Wednesday-Saturday, work. Any day that I get off before sunset, I walk home (4 miles). Saturday, either before work or after work (depending on the hours I work), I set up the menu for the following week. After creating the menu, I write the shopping list for the week. Each day I plan on cooking, I go to the store and pick up the non-perishable ingredients I can find as well as all the ingredients for the specific recipe I plan on making. While I plan a different recipe for each day, I don't cook each day, since I have to finish all or most of my leftovers before I'll make another dish, just so I can keep overall costs down (it's expensive to throw food away). After the meal is finished cooking, if I remember, I take a picture of the dish (I promise, I'm not one of those people that put's pictures of whatever they eat on instagram! In fact, I've never posted any of these pictures online. My intent is to use some of the pictures in a portfolio if I ever end up needing one.

I think I've addressed the big "changes" regarding work. Let's see...... anything different on the home front? I haven't had much time outside of work to do much else. The time that I do end up having seems to be taken away trying to finish up "mini-projects." Some of these include actually updating this blog, reading, creating new organization systems, going through the various e-newsletters I seem to have and never remember about, and cooking (speaking of which, maybe I should make dinner....)

I still hate the weather down here, but it's possible I'm getting slightly used to it. Even in April, I've been bringing a sweatshirt to work for sitting at the bus stop. By this time last year, I was wearing shorts and t-shirt waiting for the bus at the same time of day. Still too early to say if that's me getting used to the weather or not.

Peter came down a couple weeks ago to work during his spring break. During the times that we were both off, we spent time playing in the parks. Since they were so crowded, most of this "playing" was looking for hidden mickeys. After the week was up, we decided to start a "Disney challenge of the year" This means, we have some aspect relating to Disney to accomplish by the end of the year. For example, we might decide to find all the hidden mickey's by the end of this year. Next year, we may decide to watch all the Disney movies.

I can't think of anything else to add in this update. If there's any questions you have, clarifications, or just simply want to bug me (I think those people know who they are), feel free to send an email or leave a comment Especially send any "challenge of the year" ideas you may have for us to add to the list. I feel like this blog is going to become very repetitive if I don't find something else to add. Maybe I'll just add a "Q&A Section".... Or maybe I've just spent too much time staring at my computer screen and should look into making that dinner I talked about.....

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