Saturday, May 19, 2012

FREEDOM!! AKA Off Probation

Sideways, I know. But here's the certificate proving I'm off probation

So much has happened since I last wrote. Or so it seems. Good news: I'M OFF PROBATION!! I was getting a bit worried since it seemed like everyone else was getting their certificates before me. Oh well, I finally have it, which means I can now cross-train :) I have already put in 2 cross-training requests, and plan on putting in a third soon. I want to explore different restaurants and try different positions.

My parents came down near the end of April. It was really fun hanging out with them in the park for 2 days. While it was still an exhausting 2 days, I think we were able to do more than we would have if I hadn't visited the parks so much. Because I've been here for 4 months, I have a much better idea of what rides will be busy when. At least, much better than I would have before. I doubt we would have been able to do so much otherwise. Not only did we get to go on all the rides we wanted to (with the exception of the Matterhorn, which is still closed for refurbishments), but we watched World of Color, Fantasmic AND the firework show. We would've been able to watch The Magic, The Memories, and You, but we decided that we just wanted to go home. It was such a great weekend. Next visit will be from my grandparents and sister next week. Now if only I can get more people to visit....

This last Wednesday, I got 2 new roommates. I had five roommates at the beginning of the program. A week before the new roommates, 2 of them went back to China. I definitely miss them. My two new roommates are pretty cool though. Both of them have done the program before. I'm sure the summer will be awesome.

Speaking of summer. The weather is still warming up here. I'm so glad I work inside where the temperature doesn't seem to change. It's hard taking my breaks outside some days, because I step outside and am both blinded, and covered in sweat from the heat. Nights are still on the cool side, although there's been a few more nights that are just right. I must be getting used to some of this heat though, since Thursday I decided it was just a degree or two too hot. It was just right to sit around doing nothing, but a bit too warm to do a lot of activity. It was high 70s. Used to be that I would only say that for high 60s, low 70s. Maybe there is hope. Especially if I can find easier access to a beach.. Only one is accessible by bus, and that's a 2 hour ride one way.

I'm still hoping to stay after the program. I've been struggling with finding housing, but I have a few leads. Now I just need to find a time to do something. Every time that I've scheduled the time to work on finding an apartment, something seems to come up. I had hoped to play D&D this Wednesday, but if I haven't been able to do anything about the apartment situation after, I may have to postpone that, since apartment is definitely more important than D&D (or so people keep telling me).

For those of you who read my facebook status', you've probably noticed the post about me boycotting my birthday. That is currently up in the air. The Disneyland Resort is currently in the middle of something called grad nights. These are 2-3 nights a week, from May to June, where high school seniors can come into the park and stay until 3 in the morning. Select restaurants are open during these nights. My restaurant was scheduled to be open for 1 or 2 a week. However, the first week of grad nights, there were only 8 guests the entire night. As a result, grad nights were cancelled for this week. Assuming that stays the same next week, I won't be boycotting my birthday. Rumor is that they'll cancel the remaining grad nights, but I JUST got scheduled for another one... If they're not cancelled, I work 6:30 PM on the 24th, until 1 AM on the 25th. Then I go back in at 10:45. This means that, unless I figure out the free taxi thing, I have to walk home (don't worry, I'll have someone to walk with) 2 miles. Then I have to be at the bus stop by 9:30 at the latest. So much for sleep.

I guess that's about it for this week. I'm going to post 2 videos today. Thanks to a certain someone sending me the video the other day (you know who you are *cough* Peter *cough*), I've had this song stuck in my head for a while. The first video is from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" the second is a cover by Amy Lee from the album "Nightmare Revisited", which I like even better.

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