Friday, October 14, 2011

So Much to Do, To Much Time, Not Enough Patience

So much information, I can't even figure out where to start reading/writing information. I guess the easiest thing to work off of is the checklist they give. I thought after I finished the acceptance process, including forking over a lot of money, I'd be ready to go until it came to packing. Apparently not, there's lots of documents that I still have to fill out, more money to find, traveling to figure out, and did I mention money?

Since the last post, I have figured out that, not only do I need to arrive on January 8th, but I am supposed to arrive by 9:00 AM, and I check in at the place that I will be staying, which makes things easier.

According to the pre-arrival checklist, the first thing I should be doing is making travel plans. Of course, I've never purchased plane tickets before, so I know nothing about doing this. I know there's times and places that give better deals, but what or where, I don't know. If I was doing this alone, I'd probably go to the website for whatever airline I decided to go with as soon as possible to purchase a ticket. Of course, part of that may be because of paranoia, the rest is because as far as my experience goes, sooner means cheaper. Guess I'm going to have to rely on some "experts" ("experts" in this case being people who have more experience than I do). Hopefully I have more information on that soon.

Step 2: documentation. Okay, very easy, just fill out 14 pages of forms. Boring, but easy. They even give step-by-step instructions for filling them out, although I've already had plenty of experience.

Apparently Disney has a dress code. When I check in, I can be wearing casual clothing, but I still have to follow the rest of the "Disney look": clean fingernails, neutral colored fingernail polish, if any (so no fingernail polish, that's easy enough). "Fingernails should not exceed one-fourth of an inch (approximately 6 mm) beyond the fingertip." hmmm...... maybe I need a ruler with me. Hairstyle needs to be neatly combed and kept in an easy to maintain style. Well, guess my typical ponytail will work, but now I need to figure out how to keep the knots from appearing after 10 minutes, especially with the California heat. Heat + my hair = nothing good. Unless specified as casual, and unless I'm wearing a uniform, this Disney look also means a professional attire. Good thing I bought a skirt last year, I may have need of it :(

Medical and Religious accommodations I don't have to worry about, fortunately. Two less items on the checklist to deal with.

"Secure medical insurance." Ummm.... mom, will the current plan cover me? I really don't want to figure out medical insurance.

The next few steps involve housing. Yay! They provide A LOT. The apartments have 1-2 bedrooms and each bedroom has up to three people. So I could potentially have FIVE roommates. Eek!!! That'll definitely take some getting used to. Fortunately, from what I saw of the apartments before they changed the website, they are NICE!! Each apartment is fully furnished, including a kitchen fully stocked with appliances and table settings. At least that means I don't have to worry about packing and flying my kitchen stuff down. Each apartment even has a washer and dryer! NO MORE QUARTERS!!!

When I filled out the apartment request information, I had to choose between a wellness apartment or a non-wellness apartment (assuming availability). A wellness apartment means that no alcohol is allowed in the apartment under any circumstances. Anyone under 21 is automatically placed in one of these apartments. There was also a choice to be given the contact information of ONE person I'd be living with in advance, which I selected. Not sure when I'll get that information, but then I'll at least be able to get to know one of the possible five other people.

The last step for housing that I have to do (skipping steps that don't pertain to me) is renters insurance. Something that is required to have and I need to have this before going down there. I'm definitely not looking forward to this step, especially since it means more money :(

I also have to register for classes before arriving. Just when I thought I was done with classes. Oh well, I'm going to assume that Disney classes will be a lot more entertaining than non-Disney classes.

Definitely a lot of I have to take care of still, most which has to wait a bit longer. Part of me just wishes I could take care of everything right now and head down there tomorrow. Then again, that's probably because I've never been good at the waiting game.

  • Purchase plane ticket
  • Print off Hire Documentation
  • Fill out Hire Documentation
  • Find copies of Employment Eligibility Documentation
  • Figure out medical insurance
  • Figure out renters insurance
  • Register for classes
  • Contact roommate, if given information
  • Finish classes for this quarter
  • Graduate
  • Move out
  • Pack
  • DISNEYLAND!!!!!!

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