51 days
It's roughly halfway between when I found out that I got accepted into the Disney Internship program and when I will leave. This is definitely becoming more and more real as the time gets closer. Today is the last day before WSU goes on Thanksgiving break, I still have 3 more days of classes, and 6 papers. As excited as I am to finish classes, I'm just as unexcited about leaving Pullman. How can I leave this?
I guess I should be thankful that I got to see this view at least once more before leaving. Hopefully the roads are clear when I leave next month.
It seems like a lot has happened since last post, but it could just be major things that had been stressing me out. As far as classes go, I have only one more test in French. I've turned in my big 15 page paper for English, so the next 3 weeks are just editing and about 9 small 150 word essays, plus a reading review. Depending on the teacher counting, I have 3-4 weeks left before everything ends. Marching band is almost done as well. Tomorrow is the last home game, where the seniors, including me, will be recognized. The final game will be Apple Cup in Seattle. Because the season is almost over, work has been very busy. Everyone seems to wait until the last minute to turn in their information to get paid, making more work for me. Also got to enter survey information for the Apple Cup game into the computer. Have I ever mentioned how much I like entering things into a database like that? I definitely like my job, just wish it had more hours.
I haven't finished much in the way of getting ready for Disney, but what I have finished has me feeling really accomplished. Although I wanted to at least participate in the plane ticket purchasing, my parents purchased my plane ticket. I was probably too busy anyway. I'm just glad it's taken care of. I'll figure out the "best way" to purchase plane tickets another time. My dad and I will be arriving on Friday, which hopefully gives plenty of time (yeah right, for a place that big?) to get used to the area. For some reason I didn't quite understand, my dad and I will not be taking the same flights down to California. Fortunately, I'm a big girl and can navigate airports on my own :P I'm just glad that my dad will be joining me so that I don't have to worry about navigating Anaheim by myself. Considering how much I don't like big cities (despite what Brian keeps telling me, Anaheim is still a big city in my mind. It's bigger than any I've ever lived in), I'm not sure I can handle everything on my own. Last time I spent the afternoon in downtown Seattle, I started having a panic attack. I couldn't even figure out the direction to the car. I didn't want to be alone in California if that happened again.
I still waiting for information on one or more roommates. I'm not supposed to get that information until 45-30 days until arrival though, so anywhere from 6 to 21 days from now. If I remember right, I won't get the actual apartment number until I check in. Hopefully this doesn't cause a problem when I get renters insurance late December, Early January.
Packing is going well, I guess. I've "gotten rid" of half of my books. Okay, so they're mostly all still in the apartment. I've been putting my books up on Amazon to sell them. I thought I'd be able to make some money doing this. However, the total amount I've spent on shipping has been about equal to the amount I'm receiving for the books. I've decided I hate media mail. Thanksgiving break is going to be spent doing more cleaning. I have 4 buckets full already. Not sure how much will fit in the car though. Of course, whatever I do manage to get to Chehalis, that's just the first step. I'll have to get rid of most of my stuff just to move to Chehalis, I'll have to get rid of even more before California. Christmas break is being spent getting rid of even more stuff. Excluding kitchen equipment, I'm hoping to get all of my belongings to fit into 2 or 3 buckets by the time I finish everything. Don't remember how much stuff I have in the attic in Chehalis though, so it might not work. All I know at this point is that I have to many books.
I guess there really isn't anything I can do now to get ready for Disneyland until I hear about the roommate. The only thing I can focus on right now is finishing classes. After that, packing. Renter's insurance needs to wait until a few days before, the hire documentation I'll print off in Chehalis just before leaving so that I don't lose it. I'd wait until California if I knew there'd be a printer.
- Print off Hire Documentation
- Fill out Hire Documentation
- Figure out renters insurance
- Contact roommate
- Finish classes for this quarter
- Graduate
- Move out
- Pack